Manipulation Under Anesthesia Treatment (MUA)

Manipulation Under Anesthesia Treatment (MUA)

  • Are you a good candidate for MUA?
  • You have chronic neck or back pain and the pain interferes with everyday activities at work, home and leisure?
  • You have limited neck and back mobility due to overly tight muscles and pain?
  • An MRI shows you have one or more bulging or herniated discs in your neck, back or both?
  • You’ve tried numerous “conservative” treatments which might include chiropractic care, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, pain meds, injections—and you are still in pain?
  • You’ve considered spine (neck or back) surgery but you were advised by the surgeon that you are not a good candidate for it? (Or you had surgery and it didn’t eliminate the pain?)
  • If you answered YES to 3 or more of these questions, you may be a good candidate for MUA. Set up your own call with our MUA Specialist to learn more.

What is Manipulation Under Anesthesia?
Many people suffer chronic pain, lingering in neck, back, hips or other joints. More than 25 million people in the United States report back pain at any given time: that is more than 10 percent of our adult population. More than that, when it comes to the percentage of Americans who will experience chronic pain at any point in their lives, the estimate comes to just about half of our population.

Back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, hip pain—it doesn’t matter where the pain is coming from. When the pain doesn’t go away it becomes difficult to manage even the simplest day to day activities.

When it comes to finding ways to manage pain, the solutions don’t always feel much better than the pain itself. Pain medication merely numbs the pain, and often does so at a great cost, limiting your ability to work, drive, and in some cases even use the bathroom.

Manipulation under anesthesia is an intense method of chiropractic care that uses proven techniques to manipulate muscles and tissues surrounding the spine and joints, thereby reducing tension, improving range of motion, and ultimately decreasing pain.

Manipulation under anesthesia is recommended for treatment of the following pain-causing conditions:

  • Buildup of Scar Tissue
  • Chronic Muscle Spasms
  • Super-Sensitivity as a Result of Injury
  • Damage to Intervertebral Discs

The MUA procedure offers much more than a typical chiropractic session. During manipulation under anesthesia you are actually sedated using a surgical grade anesthetic so that your body is completely and totally relaxed throughout the procedure, and you don’t experience any discomfort or pain during the actual manipulation. This means that your chiropractor is able to do much more intense therapy than would be otherwise possible, enabling adjustments and stretching movements that would be too painful without the anesthesia.

Prior to starting manipulation under anesthesia your chiropractor will meet with you and you will undergo a series of screening and diagnostic tests, including a physical examination and x-ray. This will allow your doctor to understand the exact cause of the issue, and will also enable your doctor to identify any potential underlying issues that should be addressed prior to treatment.

Many people are able to overcome pain completely following therapy with manipulation under anesthesia. The procedure can be repeated as needed, and many people are able to control pain following therapy with standard chiropractic care.

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